About me

I am a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Oxford, with a broad interest in the use of artificial intelligence (AI)/machine learning (ML) and Bayesian statistics for climate change projections. Specifically, I work on using AI models for subgrid-scale processes, such as convection and atmospheric gravity waves, within global climate models. I am particularly interested in quantifying uncertainties associated with AI subgrid-scale parameterisations. I previously worked on calibration and uncertainty quantification of physics-based parameterisations.

Research Interests

  • Climate model emulators
  • Hybrid “AI + physics” climate models
  • Subgrid-scale processes and their interaction with larger scales
  • High resolution climate models
  • Climate model calibration
  • Uncertainty quantification of climate models

Feel free to reach out to me at laura [dot] mansfield [at] physics [dot] ox [dot] ac [dot] uk